Tuesday, May 3, 2011

ALL of the things this bill will do! :)

What Does it Do?

Improves Nutrition and Focuses on Reducing Childhood Obesity
  • Gives USDA the authority to set nutritional standards for all foods regularly sold in schools during the school day. 
  • Provides additional funding to schools that meet updated nutritional standards for federally subsidized lunches. 
  • Helps communities establish local farm to school networks, create school gardens and ensures that mold local foods are used in the school setting.
  • Builds on USDA work to improve nutritional quality of commodity foods that schools receive from USDA and use in their breakfast and lunch programs.
  • Expands access to drinking water in schools, particularly during meal times. 
  • Sets basic standards for school wellness policies including goals for nutrition promotion and education and physical activity, while still permitting local flexibility to tailor the policies to their particular needs. 
  • Promotes nutrition and wellness in child cares settings through the federally-subsidized Child and Adult Care Food Program. 
  • Expands support for breastfeeding through the WIC program. 
Increases access

  • Increases the number of eligible children enrolled in school meal programs by approximately 115,000 students by using Medicaid data to directly certify children who meet income requirements. 
  • Helps certify an average additional 4,500 students/year to receive school meals by setting benchmarks for states to improve the certification process. 
  • Allows more universal meal access for eligible students in high poverty communities by eliminating paper applications and using census data to determine school-wide income eligibility.
  • Expands USDA authority to support meals served to at-risk children in afterschool programs.
Increases program monitoring and integrity

  • Requires school districts to be audited every three years to improve compliance with nutritional standards. 
  • Requires schools to make information more readily available to parents about the nutritional qualities of meals. 
  • Includes provisions to ensure the safety of school foods like improving recall procedures and extending hazard analysis and food safety requirements for school meals throughout the campus.
  • Provides training and technical assistance for school food service providers.
Through this whole process I was constantly learning new things about this bill. This summary I was provided via Robert Kramer at Ben Chandler's office in Washington DC made the bill a lot clearer to me! Hope it helps you!

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